It may on occasion be necessary to intervene physically, this may be to protect yourself your colleagues, other service users or the service user who is being violent.

You will receive training in how to recognise potential violence and how to protect yourself and others in the most appropriate way.

You will learn simple but effective holding techniques low level non restrictive & restrictive techniques along with the skills you will learn you will also receive comprehensive training on the law in relation to your workplace and the justifications for the use of force most of all what you will be getting is the confidence to know that if you are faced with a very difficult situation where you feel you need to intervene that you do it in a caring and compassionate way, both looking after yours and the service users safety.

Subjects Included are

  • Health & safety at work act 1974
  • Human rights act 1998
  • Criminal law act 1967
  • Common law
  • Positional asphyxia
  • Incident reporting

Course Outline

1 Day Course

  • Half day theory based learning
  • Half day low level holding and escorting techniques

2 Day Course

  • Theory based learning
  • Low level holding and escorting techniques
  • Low level breakaway techniques

3 Day Course

  • Theory based learning
  • Low level holding and escorting techniques
  • Low level & higher level breakaway techniques
  • Higher level restrictive techniques


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